What is the nature of your relationship to the TikTok algorithm?
I think there are many similarities and metaphors between inter-human relationships and those to ‘The Algorithm’. The Algorithm is spoken about in a personified manner, something which cannot be observed with other social media algorithms. It feels as though there is a deeply ‘human-like’ artificial presence in the TikTok algorithm as it attempts to please you with content that’s tailor-made.
This relationship aspect is further realised when considering the desires to find a whole new algorithm, to ‘break-up with your algorithm’ as Georgia said. I feel as though ‘taking a break’ from our relationship only led The Algorithm to pursue me with more intensity. It reevaluated what I may want from this relationship and changed its habits, the content it shared. Unfortunately, the harder The Algorithm attempted to get a hold of my interests, the more I slipped through its fingers as I withdrew further. Notifications were ignored and I was less interested in maintaining this exchange.
It was only once I gave my relationship some nourishment, in the form of data produced by a #tagged video I uploaded and received significant engagement from, that the spark came back. We once more exist in a symbiotic state of information exchange. The Algorithm provides me with content, and I provide it with data.
Like any relationship, it clearly requires maintenance from both sides.
I have previous written of my algorithm feeling like a fishing line, trying to pull me into a different part of TikTok. Briefly made me think of it like a friend, wanting to share with you a TV series that they enjoy and want you to enjoy too. However, as I think of this idea, being in a relationship with my algorithm, I realise it is no friend. It is an ‘other’, an entity that watches me and reads my thoughts but doesn’t fully comprehend me. It misinterprets me.
Is that a relationship? Or is it an influence?
I do not believe I currently hold a relationship with my algorithm but more that it holds and influence upon me. Often prodding and poking me with the new trend or latest song, adapting my ‘for you’ page constantly almost like it is saying to me ‘look, a new craze…try it…join my group.’
In previous conversations many have asked me ‘do you have TikTok?’, ‘do you know this dance?’, ‘did you see this video?’. I wonder if perhaps TikTok is more than app now, but a connection tool that can isolate some if they do not have it. Still makes me wonder if one can have a singular relationship with the algorithm or if it is more acting as a ‘hive mind’…