2023. Austin Locke, T. In the Cracks of Attention: ADHD, Vernacular Anthropologies and Communities of Care on TikTok. Teaching Anthropology. Vol.12, No.1. pp.23-25.
2023. Cerretani, J. Do I Belong on TikTok? Algorithimography and Self-Making. Teaching Anthropology. Vol.12, No.1. pp.36-47
2023. Fahim, H. From Habbo Hotel to TikTok: Navigating Through Complexities of Online Identity and Struggles of Belonging. Teaching Anthropology. Vol.12, No.1. pp.61-64.
2023. Golebiowski, G. & Liber, E. Collaborative Possibilities: Reflections on the Experience of Teaching and Learning Anthropology. Teaching Anthropology. Vol.12, No.1. pp.69-74.
2023. Hewlett-Hall, J. Folklore, Storytelling and Coping with the Internet on TikTok. Teaching Anthropology. Vol.12, No.1. pp.48-60.
2023. Liber, E. & Yogarajah, Y. The TikTok of Teaching: The Pedagogical Possibilities of Collaborative Digital Ethnography. Teaching Anthropology. Vol.12, No.1. pp.1-10
2023. Lloyd-Evans, E. The Rambling Reflections of an Anthropologist: A Look Back at an Educational Journey and Research Development During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Teaching Anthropology. Vol.12, No.1. pp.65-68.
2023. Smout, J. Main Characters in Search of an Audience: How Institutions used #LearnOnTikTok to Perform Authenticity. Teaching Anthropology. Vol.12, No.1. pp.11-22.
2023. Rohmann, A. “I Dough, I Dough” and #I’mComingOut - (Performative) Allyship in Digital Community-Based Marketing. Research Jungle. Geiss, M., Erdogan, A., Krell, F., Söffner, J. (eds).
2021. Rodgers, H. & Lloyd-Evans, E. Intimate Snapshots: TikTok, Algorithm, and the Recreation of Identity. Anthways 1 (1). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5515620